7 Kasım 2010 Pazar

THE CULTURAL POWER OF AN ANTI-TELEVISION METAPHOR: Questioning the Plug-in Drug and a TV-Free America

Television plays an essential role in today's daily life. Because of that reason, the argument of Plug-in Drug is been discussing by lots of authors. Jason Mittel is one those authors with a unique perspective. Although it is not given in his article explicitly if television has a good or bad effect on people's lives, he argues the idea of Plug-in Drug. According to Mittel, it may effects but those effect are not be proven by strong evidence. Moreover, the metaphor of Plug-in Drug is a state that is over-exagurated. But in my opinion, it may be too much to call it a drug but television has obvious impact that can prevent people's improvement.

1 yorum:

  1. So, you actually agree with Mittell since he also thinks that TV has a negative influence even though he's against the idea that it needs to be eradicated completely; instead he would rather have the content monitored and changed...
